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Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographers :: Outdoors Photography

Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographers :: Outdoors Photography

Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographers :: Outdoors Photography

Urban Shoes Nairobi Kenya :: Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographer

Model:Sue Zzy & Urban Shoes Nairobi Kenya 
Location: Nairobi-Kenya Streets
Make-up artist: Zalika
Photography: Antony Trivet Photography
Find Sue Zzy & Urban Shoes on:
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It’s a new era. In fashion, there are no rules since we are all made of the same skin & bones. What separates us is what we dress over it.

Urban Shoes Nairobi Kenya :: Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographer

    Women’s fashion is a subtle form of bondage. It’s men’s way of binding them. We put them in these tight, high-heeled shoes, we make them wear these tight clothes and we say they look sexy. But they’re actually tied up. David Duchovny

I learned from working in the fashion world that if I have a day when I feel slapped in the face, or if someone has been meaning, I just have to get back up and it will be another day. I think about what I’m grateful for. I look at my kids and my husband and think, wow, I’m a really lucky person. Heidi Klum

Urban Shoes Nairobi Kenya :: Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographer

Creative Lifestyle Fashion Photographers :: Outdoors Photography

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