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Lifestyle Corporate Headshots Portrait :: Creative Content Creators

Lifestyle Corporate Headshots Portrait :: Creative Content Creators

Lifestyle Corporate Headshots Portrait :: Creative Content Creators Model: Freddie The Graphic Designer
Photomagic studio
Photography: Antony Trivet Photography
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Fredrick Nyatemu Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Photographer

Lifestyle Corporate Headshots Portrait :: Creative Content Creators

“She would be asked to climb a low wooden platform in the hall and hold an expression for a class. Students would shuffle their gaze quickly, back and forth from her to their easels to get the details. She felt hugely self-conscious to begin with, with two dozen eager eyes gazing at her, taking in her every detail, warts and all, her cheeks flushed and her folded leg trembling involuntarily. She would make an extra effort to cover her front teeth by pulling the lower lip over them. This and her self-consciousness would tire her. But a few sessions down and she became used to the attention. And then, also she had also never known such leisure. This sitting idle had its benefits. She realized she would find a solution to many a pending question. She would make little budgeting of her savings in her head. Her mind would move from matters of the canteen to Pali’s problem. At times she would be so overcome with wretchedness that she would have to deliberately snap out of her thoughts and begin to inaudibly recite the mool mantra. However, all in all, she began to look forward to this. Like zero hours. At the end of what was a fortnight or twenty days of sitting, she was overwhelmed, looking at a studio full of her portraits.”
Sakoon Singh, In The Land of The Lovers

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