The three main ethnicities include Digo (35%), Duruma (30%), and Kamba (20%).Within Vanga location, 50% are thought to be Christian and 50% Muslim. In Vanga sub-location, on the other hand, the population is 98% Muslim. In terms of migration, there are thought to be approximately 1000 immigrants in Vanga town, pull factors are more than the push factors with increasing numbers of Tanzanians coming to settle in Vanga.
Specific Villages
A recent report by Cordio (Mainer et al 2012) which was carried out in Vanga, reported that the Vanga sub-location comprises 4 villages; Jasini, Jimbo, Mgombani and Vanga villages. The whole of Vanga location is comprised of 29 villages. For logistical reasons, and because we need a relatively large sample size, we propose Vanga Town village (as seen on the map above) as our study site. This report also clarified that the population within Vanga village was approximately 6500 people which would be suitable for our work.