It goes without saying that almost all of our clients really value photography. This session with Yvonne was no exception, she really went the extra mile to ensure that we were able to take some amazing photos during her baby bump session.
The changes that your body goes through while pregnant are beautiful, yet they can also be daunting. As your body changes it is easy to feel fat or uncomfortable in your own skin, however when you are holding your precious little baby in your arms it makes it all worth it.’
The love for your baby really is like no other. It fills places in your heart that you never even knew were empty.’
‘Just knowing you are going to meet the love of your life makes all the waiting, all the labor pain, and all the unknown worth it.’
Pregnancy is really hard. After all you’re trying to grow a whole other person inside of you which isn’t easy. Yet, one of the hardest parts is actually realizing your life is about to change in a huge way but not knowing exactly how.’
Pregnancy changes you as a person. It is this amazing journey that shifts your focus and pushes you to re-evaluate your life and priorities.’
‘Mama, you are strong, beautiful, and more powerful than you know. Trust yourself. Trust your body. And know, that no matter how your birth goes, there is a powerful collective of mamas that are right behind you.’