Travel Documentary Photography Kenya :: Agricultural Top Stories
Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme Phase Two (ASDSP II) is one of the key programs designed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, and 47 county governments to contribute to addressing food and nutrition security and promoting manufacturing. It is primarily designed to enhance the capacity of different Priority Value Chain Actors at different levels to tackle the problems that hinder the commercialization of Agriculture.
The program is implemented by the Government of Kenya (National and 47 county governments) with strong participation of the private sector as direct beneficiaries or service providers. It is financed by the governments of Kenya, Sida, and the EU for a period of five years (2017-2022).
ASDSP II has four result areas
- The productivity of priority value chains increased
- Entrepreneurial skills of Priority Value Chain actors strengthened
- Access to markets by Priority Value Chain actors improved and
- Strengthened structures and capacities for consultation, collaboration, cooperation, and coordination in the Agricultural Sector strengthened
Weddings and portraiture it’s my daily routine—but too much sugar can be poisonous. This promoted my instinct and had to leave all the weddings and portrait work to vacation across the country, but in a few selected areas that is Machakos, Kajiado, Kitui, Garissa, and Hola. The last time I explored my country was in Mombasa and got along with village people, it enabled me to know other people’s cultures hence appreciating other people’s lives and getting to know the true story about their culture away from the rumors in town.
This time I wanted to know more about agriculture which has changed to agribusiness since the farmers have been educated that they can make living from it contrary to earlier days when they only did so just for subsistence and practiced on a small scale. The areas like Kajiado which is famously known for pastoralists it has embraced farming and the guys are doing the irrigation, was surprised to see green maize in these dry seasons, just imagined how much can they do if the weather is favorable. Kenya Travelers