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Destination Kenya Wedding Photographer :: Maasai Mara Narok

Destination Kenya Wedding Photographer :: Maasai Mara Narok

Destination Kenya Wedding Photographer :: Maasai Mara Narok

Maasai Mara National Reserve is an area of preserved savannah wilderness in southwestern Kenya, along the Tanzanian border. Its animals include lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebras, and hippos. Wildebeest traverses its plains during their annual migration. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills and is crossed by the Mara and Talek rivers. The area nearby is dotted with villages (enkangs) of Maasai people. Wedding Location:- Angama Mara

The Angama Way Swahili for ‘suspended in mid-air’, Angama offers high-touch safari experiences in one-of-a-kind locations across East Africa. Inn-keepers at heart, our team finds joy in looking after guests and reconnecting them with the natural world.  Maasai Mara National Reserve is an area of preserved savannah wilderness in southwestern Kenya, along the Tanzanian border. Its animals include lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebras, and hippos. Wildebeest traverses its plains during their annual migration. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills and is crossed by the Mara and Talek rivers. The area nearby is dotted with villages (enkangs) of Maasai people.  Destination Kenya Wedding Photographer :: Angama Maasai Mara “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” — Angelita Lim

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” — A. A. Milne

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