Kikuyu dowry events
The Kikuyu culture history marks the event of dowry which is considered to be a very major aspect of the tribe. However, the payment ceremony has a few events namely
1. Kûhanda ithîgî
2. Kûmenya Mûciî
3. Kûguraria / gutinia kîande
4. Kûonio itara
5. Kûracia or Ruracio
Kikuyu culture on marriage
The Kikuyu wedding traditions included the following:
– Kûhanda ithîgî – This means that the involved parties will have to plant the branch of a tree. This may take place on the same day of the process of Kûracia.
– Kûmenya mûciî – This primarily means to get to know the home of the bride in a maximum of two low-key visits. The visit is then classified into two parts. The first visit will be by the young men, followed by the second visit by the elders of the tribe.
– Kûracia – The groom’s men or Athuri visit to distribute the items which are necessary for succession. They wait for the concurrence by the elders of the bridal family. After this, the women from the groom’s family distribute the items to the women belonging to the bridal family.
– Gûtinia kîande or Kûguraria – According to the Kikuyu culture and traditions, ‘Gûtinia kîande’ or ‘Ngûrario’ actually indicates the cutting down of a front limb of a ram. This ceremony takes place at the family home of the bride. Usually, this ceremony is done by the couple who have been married and are living together for a couple of years. There are a few cases when the groom may decide to actually visit the home of the bride and confirm the Ngûrario just before the wedding takes place.
After staying with his wife for some time or after the wife gives birth to some children, the husband will then decide to perform Gûtinia kiande or Ngurario. Accompanied by a few of his relatives and friends, the husband makes a visit to the homestead of the father in law, where he is told about the items which will have to be brought before the Ngûrario day begins.
The items required to buy in this ceremony are actually the items that have remained due during the previous ceremonies of the Ngûrario. The lists are then read out simultaneously as the secretary notes them down.
– Kûonio itara – The groom’s homestead is visited by the bride, who will be accompanied by her family. Here she will be guided by her mother in law who will show her the true set-up of the kitchen, and let the bride understand how she will be using her new kitchen.
As per the Kikuyu culture Kenya, the ‘Itara’ actually means ‘a fire-wood place’ in their native language. It is also indicated as a nest, meaning the new nest of the family.
The main objective of this ceremony is to let all the families talk to each other and interact in a good atmosphere of celebrations and happiness. The father of the groom will be responsible for handling the costs of catering.