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Photographers In Kenya By Antony Trivet Travels Kenya Documentary Photography

Lamu, Kenya: Swahili House Museum

The Swahili House Museum is located in the middle of Lamu Old Town. It features a fine example of an 18th-century Swahili house and gives the visitor a good insight into Swahili home architecture. It follows a universal, centuries-old plan that most Swahili houses follow with thick external walls (60-100cm), high ceilings and small windows to protect the inhabitants from the equatorial sun and ensure that the interiors remain cool and private.…

Access is gained through a wooden door with a lovely carved door frame. It opens to a courtyard (kiwanda) that is lather spacious by Lamu standards. At its center is a deep well that served as a reliable water source for the house.

The path leads to the entrance door of the residential part of the house.

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