Kenya Wedding Documentary Photographer :: Creative Love Story

Love is wanting to be with someone all the time. It is accepting the other person with all good qualities and bad and not wanting to change any of them. It is wanting to give affection and approval and comfort and everything that is oneself, demanding nothing in return. It is – love is very difficult, Stella& Alex. It is an ideal, rarely achieved in reality because we are all selfish and imperfect beings. It is a dream, a goal, something to be aimed for. It is in the consideration of Love as the director of your behavior, that all the laws of any religion are fulfilled. But the key thing to remember is relationships without a Divine Aim always “break up,” for they are based on nothing. Divine Purpose could be described as forgiveness — the undoing and releasing of the ego. Belief in the ego prevents awareness of True Union and Intimacy. The underlying fear of Intimacy and Union is the ego’s fear of loss of itself, the ‘personal self, and the ‘personal world.
I am sure that God has given all his time in making you, the remaining human race has been created in haste.
Kenya Wedding Documentary Photographer :: Creative Love Story
This is extra-ordinarily beautiful. All the best in your plans and beyond. Advanced congrats.